There is no life without water, and man needs water from the very beginning of mankind. From time immemorial, people settled on the banks of rivers and lakes, water is necessary for human life and for technical purposes. Therefore, there is a problem of providing people with water, and especially drinking water. To provide water resources to settlements, industrial facilities, agricultural facilities, etc. was invented water supply system.
Water supply system-is a system of interconnected structures that allows to supply objects of human life and activity with water in the required volume and quality.
Here is an example of a water supply system based on the data of MUP "VODOKANAL" Yekaterinburg. To provide water to the population and industrial facilities in the city use two main natural sources "Volchikhin" and "Upper Iset" reservoir. These sources are located hydraulic structures that allow to accumulate regulate and implement the supply of water. Then the water gets to the filter stations allowing to clean the water from natural and man-made pollution. Every year these filtration stations and water treatment systems are modernized and new technologies are introduced to increase productivity and provide better drinking water to the population and industrial and agricultural facilities.
Then the water is transported directly to the consumer. Transportation is carried out directly by means of pumping stations through pipeline systems.
Than it is possible to sum up-the water supply system-the difficult engineering system allowing to deliver "a source of life" to the consumer of appropriate quality.
Our company is ready to provide You with all the necessary technical information for the design and construction of water supply systems. To get information on the cost and terms of production of water supply system, please call +7 (343) 304-64-64 extension number 312