- Certificate ISO 9001: 2015
- Car trailers O4
- Car trailers O3
- Autonomous unit of preparation of compositions
- Chemization unit
- Quick coupling
- The wagon - house
- Hydraulic mixer
- Hydrocyclone
- Drilling capacities
- Technological containers for transportation of SKIS
- Process tanks for transportation of acids
- Technological capacities
- Polyethylene containers for acid transportation
- Technological polyethylene tanks
- Cable winders
- Bridges reception
- Capacity explosion-proof heater
- Wellhead equipment and fountain wellhead equipment
- Wiper for tubing
- The axis of the tractor and automobile
- Storm water treatment plants
- Steam generator set
- Platform wellhead
- Polyethylene pipe
- The tractor-trailer and its modifications
- Tractor trailer and its modifications
- Anti-siphon skirt
- Cable roller
- Station hydraulic control of the BOP SOUP
- Maintenance and repair of equipment.facilities, machinery and equipment
- Solution-salt node
- Install mobile for draining sludge of AMOS
- Face cleaning device
- Filter unit