Steam unit ПГУ-01Р
It is designed to produce steam used for steaming wellhead and auxiliary equipment for steaming tubing and drill pipes for heating preventers, process tanks and other equipment used in the production of capital and workover in cold and temperate climatic regions. Steam unit is automated and does not require the constant presence of personnel workover crew.
Climatic design Cold Temperate Climate-1 according to GOST (State Standard) 15150-96
Its main advantage is that the frame is manufactured on customized and, respectively, for transportation of the ПГУ can be used already in the possession of the customer vehicles. This achieves the lowest possible price and the consumer does not have to pay for one more unit of mobile equipment.
Also according to the customer to complete energy independence, this unit can be equipped with self-contained diesel-electric generator P = 5.5 kW.
Main technical characteristics of steam generator installation on the grid.