Company ZAO "ZNPO UNIKOM" continues the development of partnership relations with the CIS countries. During a series of events in July 2012, a contract was signed for the supply of more than 80 units of equipment for JSC "RD "KazMunayGas". Despite significant volumes and limited terms, the company has faithfully fulfilled all obligations for the supply of equipment.
Thus, the plant has confidently consolidated its position in Kazakhstan as a reliable supplier of quality equipment for oilfield organizations. At the moment CJSC "ZNPO Unicom" is negotiating with more than 50 companies in Kazakhstan. A number of activities aimed at developing partnerships with oilfield service companies in Belarus and Ukraine are planned.
The company invites you to mutually beneficial cooperation. Today CJSC ZNPO Unicom offers the clients a wide choice of the reliable equipment for the oil and gas extracting enterprises, the help in development of essentially new equipment, its production.
...General Director of "CHONGQING YUDIAN AUTOMOBILE SPRING CO" (China) Mr. OU ZUXIAO visited the plant "Unicom".
The company specializes in production of automobile springs and is the reliable supplier both for "VOLVO", "SCANIA", "MAN", "Mercedes-Benz", and for plant "Unicom".
During the one-day visit, Mr. OU ZUXIAO was given a tour of the plant, demonstrating a wide range of manufactured products, as well as technological equipment of the enterprise.
Mr. OU ZUXIAO also had the opportunity to visit the monument "EUROPE-ASIA". Being on "different parts of the world", the partners exchanged a strong handshake.
During the negotiations, Mr. OU ZUXIAO expressed his desire to increase the range of products for the plant "Unicom".
...30.05.2012 at the production base of LLC "KRS-Weatherford" in Buzuluk, specialists of JSC "ZNPO Unicom" held a presentation of Steam generator sets supplied for the needs of LLC " UKRS-Weatherford.
During the work, the personnel of KRS-Weatherford LLC were trained to work on the steam generator set, as well as a demonstration was held to all invited and interested representatives of partner companies, among whom were:
- LLC Geotechnokin-South»
- CJSC Impulse Nefteservice»
- OOO " Tehnefteservis»
- LLC "Buzuluk oil Service Company" (BNK)
- CJSC " Samotlorneftepromhim»
- JSC "Orenburgneft»
During the presentation, all representatives had the opportunity to personally try out this installation, received answers to many questions on the technical and operational part of this equipment, showed great interest, as a result, agreements were reached on cooperation with CJSC " ZNPO Unicom»
...23 мая прошли соревнования по армспорту – II тура Спартакиады.
Соревнования проводились в 5 весовых категориях среди мужчин и в одной – среди женщин. Организовать и провести соревнования помогла федерация армспорта города Первоуральска. Абсолютным победителем соревнований стал Слатов
Руслан – электрогазосварщик цеха сборо-сварки, у женщин – Ворошилова Галина, архивариус конструкторского отдела.
...29.04.2012 сборная команда "УНИКОМ" приняла участие в легкоатлетической эстафете, посвященной 80-летию ОАО "Динур" и была отмечена грамотой в номинации «Спортивный дебют».
...In March 2012, the company CJSC "ZNPO" Unicom "was manufactured according to the technical specifications of the customer LLC "Technefteservice" and delivered a Drilling tank on a three-axle chassis (BE25.OSH-01).
After delivery of the equipment, the LLC Tekhnefteservis company estimated our work having filled in the quality sheet on 5 main criteria of definition of satisfaction of consumers:
The level of service (Manager's work) was rated "5" in the comment the company LLC "Technefteservice" noted that the level of service compared to other contractors in CJSC "ZNPO "Unicom" excellent.
The quality of production of the product was also evaluated perfectly, the comments indicated that the quality meets all the requirements of LLC "Technefteservice".
The quality of the paint also meets the requirements of the company.
Convenience in operation is an extremely important criterion for the company, for the period of operation of our capacity, complaints and complaints were not received.
One of the strategic activities of the group of companies "Unicom" is the production of products that meet modern and future requirements of consumers, so we are interested in the organization of a permanent system of "feedback" filling the quality sheet buyers of our products.
By filling out the quality sheet we will be able to understand how our partners relate to our products.
...18 марта стартовала спартакиада работников ГК "УНИКОМ".
I тур Спартакиады – зимняя эстафета, состоящая из 5 этапов. В эстафете приняли участие 6 объединенных команд. Победителем стала команда подразделений работников службы сбыта, отдела снабжения и автотранспортного участка. Победители получили грамоты, медали и ценные призы. Но главным призом для всех стало хорошее настроение, заряд бодрости и огромный торт!