

Corporate news

18 марта стартовала спартакиада работников ГК "УНИКОМ".

I тур Спартакиады  – зимняя эстафета, состоящая из 5 этапов. В эстафете приняли участие 6 объединенных команд. Победителем стала команда подразделений работников службы сбыта, отдела снабжения и автотранспортного участка. Победители получили грамоты, медали и ценные призы. Но главным призом для всех стало хорошее настроение, заряд бодрости и огромный торт!

news of factory

At the beginning of March 2012 employees of JSC "ZNPO" Unicom " held a regular presentation of the steam generator set in the Far North. For this presentation, the steam Generator set was manufactured in combination with the tool workshop (PGU-01-PIM).

The presentation was held in several service companies engaged in well repair, such as LLC "Kogalymskoye URS" in Kogalym, LLC "Belorusneft Siberia" in Gubkinsky, LLC "Gazpodzemremont" in Novy Urengoy and a number of others. At the production site of Belorusneft Siberia LLC, a block of a preventer was presented for cleaning. Oil contamination was successfully removed from the equipment.

At the industrial landfill in Novy Urengoy, the PGU-01-PIM was tested in comparison with the PPU 1600. With the help of our equipment, anchors for fastening the lifting unit were successfully installed. Their splitting was also carried out. Also in a short time were thawed completely filled with ice casing f-219.

The result of the presentation was the conclusion of a number of contracts for the supply of more than 15 units of steam generator sets.

Corporate news
16.02.2012 GK "UNICOM" 2011

news of factory

In February 2012 ZAO ZNPO Unicom completed a major contract for the supply of 60 steam generator sets combined with a mobile tool unit (PIM-PGU-01 Unicom) to Integra Corporation.

The novelty of this technical solution allows not only to save money on the purchase of two pieces of equipment, because both PIM and CCGT are located on the same chassis, but also in further operation, significantly reduce the cost of renting a steam generator, because getting a mobite tool unit in each crew of cattle or PRS at the same time You get

Thus, another modification appeared in the line of steam generating units of the "Unicom oilfield equipment plant", which allows to significantly save the funds of oil service organizations - PIM-PGU-01"Unicom".

news of factory

In December 2011, ZAO ZNPO "Unicom" released another modification of the CCGT (steam generator set) on the all-wheel drive chassis of THE GAZ 33086 "Countryman". Thus, in the line of CCGT produced by CJSC ZNPO "Unicom" today there are already 6 models of steam generator sets that meet different customer requirements.

To the advantages of this modification on a four-wheel drive car, you can add its mobility in hard-to-reach places (remote and unfavorable access roads bushes and work sites). As well as the availability of spare parts and service, common car GAZ 33086 "Countryman", which is important for long-term operation (mobility and low cost of maintenance).
In the rest, this model has all the characteristics of the basic version of the SGU-01 "Unicom" on a tractor trailer chassis, i.e.:

  • does not require registration in the Russian technical supervision,
  • does not require water treatment,
  • does not require operator training and specialized personnel, and can be serviced by a driver-operator,
  • water supply is enough for 20 hours of battery life,
  • completely non-volatile, because it is equipped with an Autonomous diesel-electric generator P= 5.5 KW,
  • time exit on regime from transport position about 20 minutes.

Until the end of 2011, ZAO ZNPO "Unicom" has already executed an order for the supply of 5 such units PGU-01AG on THE basis of GAZ 33086 "Zemlyak" for a large well repair company in Nizhnevartovsk.

news of factory

During the joint project of Unicom group and M-I SWACO on development of new equipment, the plant was visited by a representative of the Italian company "MANTOVANI & VECENTINI"(a Subsidiary of "M-I SWACO").

Mr. Lucio arrived to test the world's first sludge dewatering unit UMASH-01, assembled at the Unicom plant.
The tests were successful, in addition, the unit performed well in the far North and received certification from the "Russian Technical Supervision".

В weekend representative of "MANTOVANI & VICENTINI" visited the sights of the Sverdlovsk region:

  • the monastery "Ganina Yama"
  • monument " Europe-Asia"
  • mountain "devil's ancient Settlement"
  • Natural Park "Deer streams"

Cooperation of the companies proceeds successfully and fruitfully since 2010, new grandiose projects for 2012 are planned.

Corporate news

В честь 11 лет работы организации были проведены спортивные и детские мероприятия. Сотрудники награждались ценными подарками.

Также в честь дня рождения организации была организована поездка в Пекин с экскурсиями по местным достопримечательностям.
